Be a miracle maker - Woodgreen Christmas campaign

Manifesto Digital

Client: Woodgreen

Manifesto worked with Woodgreen Pets Charity to deliver a digital giving campaign for Christmas 2023. Starting from a base of low brand recognition we needed to raise awareness, drive engagement and generate donations, with the goal to improve both scale and profitability year on year. Through a comprehensive creative strategy, innovative AI tools and first party data we were able to surpass both revenue and ROI targets, more than doubling year on year revenue for the same media spend.

We developed over 100 campaign assets to deliver an integrated campaign across Meta, Youtube, Tiktok, podcasts, Spotify and search. We conducted A/B testing to determine the most successful concepts, donation prompt amounts, themes and tone of voice. We developed new ways of working to streamline sign-off of creative assets, allowing us to be responsive to performance and quickly iterate based on the most successful variables. We’ve thoroughly analysed the learnings and look forward to implementing what we’ve learnt for this year’s campaign.