Card-Linked Offers - The New Era of Partnership
Partnerize & Reward
Client: MandM Direct
The concept of CLO is led by a desire to reach consumers where they are through a seamless experience benefiting both brand and consumer. The unparalleled data these partners can attain is revolutionising the industry and brand’s approach to the channel. Reward partners with banks around the globe, to gain a unique view into cardholder engagement and interaction from which they can develop a combination of transaction, socio and geo demographic data that enables them to target millions of customers with personalised merchant offers. Launching with a 6-month campaign across 3 banking programmes in December 2020, the incredible results saw Reward tracking as one of MandM’s most successful partners YTD. The campaign supported YoY customer growth from 17% in January (17%) 2020 and 0% in February 2020 to 44% and 74% in the same months in 2021. However, as powerful as a never-ending stream of data is, it is meaningless unless you have the right people working in unison to accomplish goals. The collaborative team approach to this programme was fundamental to its huge success and will be pivotal in continuing to ensure exemplary results across this data rich performance partnership.