Raise the woof - How tails.com harnessed the power of affiliates
Client: tails.com
tails.com dog food range contains ingredients targeting specific health improvements, providing the right balance of vitamins, minerals and supplements essential for healthy, happy dogs. Backed by science, each recipe is made and adapted to a dog’s growing needs. Optimus-pm, part of gen3, and tails.com have successfully scaled the channel together since 2021 by executing a clear growth strategy and delivering campaign objectives. The overarching goal was to: Significantly scale the number of new customers trialling tails.com and new subscription customers profitability at efficient CPA. Optimus-pm collaborated with tails.com to understand their goals for the channel, identified new performance opportunities and key programme improvements. This formed the basis for aggressive growth strategy prioritised according to impact on the overarching objective plus effort needed. Key focus areas: •Growing active affiliate base •Optimising existing active affiliate base focussing on top/mid-tier affiliates increasing performance including creative and messaging •Analysing and improving end-to-end customer experience •Using data to strategically use promotions and discounts as well as ramp-up testing and experimentation This streamlined and clear approach, successfully implemented, delivered amazing results Vs stretchy targets, exceeding tails.com’s expectations. For April 2021-June 2022: •41% year-on-year growth in the numbers of new affiliate customers signing up to tails.com •17% more new customer sign-ups Vs target