Starcom & Trafalgar: The World on a Plate
Performics @ Starcom
Client: Trafalger
2020-21 has been shrouded in a lot of uncertainty for travel brands with ever-changing government guidance and closed borders - resulting in a “year of no travel”. But all the ever-resourceful travel afficionados out there found an ingenious way to travel from the comfort of their own homes. How? By satisfying their hunger for travel with food experiences!
Tasked by Trafalgar Travel, a global tour company, to keep their audience engaged and domain authority high, we have launched “The World on a Plate” - a global data-driven content and outreach campaign based on visualising trends from 50,000+ keywords related to food and travel. The campaign was launched in May 2021 and covered search demand trends across eight key markets (UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Singapore, Ireland and New Zealand) giving us invaluable insights into what countries people will be likely to travel to once borders reopen.
This data-first campaign creatively put Trafalgar Travel in the spotlight at a time when travel was far from consumer minds. During a 2-month content and outreach campaign, we boosted the visibility of the website for a completely new set of keywords, maintained audience engagement and gained top-quality coverage in tier 1 media, empowering a travel brand at a time when this industry was at low.