Supercharging Betfair Casino's brand awareness with cross-channel media

GroupM, EssenceMediacom, Blis

Client: Betfair Casino

In the fiercely competitive online casino market, Betfair Casino faced the challenge of growing market share with a budget dwarfed by competitors. Our solution? A strategic partnership with Blis, leveraging their rich Telco/mobile data to pinpoint and target underperforming regions with precision, making every penny count by activating and optimising cross-channel delivery through GroupM's Integrated Cross-Channel Solution (ICC). This was not about throwing money at the problem; it was about smart spending, leading to a significant increase in brand awareness and website visits, all whilst saving £570k compared to traditional programmatic buys.

This was a groundbreaking segmentation strategy which stands as a testament to the power of data-driven marketing. By overlaying client first-party performance data to analyse results by area, we gained a profound understanding of the 'what, where, and why' behind varying regional performances. This innovative approach led to a remarkable +71% increase in Betfair usage in targeted high growth areas, starkly outperforming the national average.