U-Turn to Success: Revving Up Results for Enterprise Mobility

Performics @ Starcom

Client: Enterprise Mobility

Enterprise Mobility is one of the leading car rental companies in the world, with 10,000 locations spanning more than 90 countries. However, an outdated measurement strategy was holding it back. That’s where the EnterpriseOne team at Publicis came in. Enterprise set an ambitious task: to modernise its paid media approach whilst delivering a positive return on ad spend (ROAS) across five key markets.

Fuelled by ambitious targets, the multi-agency team set out to shift gears on Enterprise’s paid media strategy. The customer-centric strategy focused on key touchpoints across the user journey, using a data-driven test and learn approach to ensure all elements were rigorously evaluated. The results? The project blew the initial targets out of the water, delivering a stellar ROAS and smashing industry benchmarks across the board. This data-driven success story truly put Enterprise in the fast lane, paving the way for continued modernisation of its performance marketing program.